Baxil (baxil) wrote,

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Now in Big Bear City

10 percent done
MEXICO                                                   CANADA
 |                                                           |
     You are here

265 miles sure feels like a lot of walking. If I was planning for a hike that long as a separate, complete trip, I would be feeling a hell of a lot of accomplishment right now. But with a PCT thru-hike, this is really just the first milestone of a much, much larger undertaking.

It's worth celebrating, but it's also a sobering reminder of just how much more there is to do.

More later; I'll be in town at least another 24 hours. I need to make room arrangements for tonight, and visit a doctor about some persistent numbness in my right foot. I really hope it's nothing serious.
Tags: baxwalk pct

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    RIP, Woolly Bear. Ocras T. Cat June 9, 1995 - June 9, 2011

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  • (no subject)

    RIP, Woolly Bear. Ocras T. Cat June 9, 1995 - June 9, 2011

  • Fish no more

    Came back home tonight from necama and Kathryn's wedding (which was lovely) to an unpleasant surprise: What could literally be described…

  • Product shill

    Just registered SizzlingKeys to the tune of $7 for a "family pack" (five-computer license). Highly recommended for all Mac OS X users. And virtually…