Baxil (baxil) wrote,

Kady writes

Ok, I'm done bombing all your friends lists, thanks for your patience while I get all that typed up. Eventually Bax plans to expand the entries and move them to the correct dates.

Speaking of whom, he called tonight while I was walking to the post office. He's heading toward the end of his second 30+ mile day and is planning to walk until 1 or 2 in the morning to take advantage of the cool. It was a little surreal to be chatting, since I was walking about 6-7 miles total and had been pretty feeling productive until he rang.

At any rate, he'll be in Agua Dolce tomorrow and plans to take a well-deserved zero day. Hopefully the food I sent him will be there. He's also going to try to get online, so perhaps we'll hear from the man himself.

- Kady
Tags: baxwalk pct

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