Baxil (baxil) wrote,

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Notes on the run

In case you somehow blinked and missed the news, Science* has spoken: soybeans make you gay.

(I'd include a punchline here, but I'm getting post-traumatic stress flashbacks to Orson Scott Card's latest novel. Maybe there was tofu in Malich's MRE that morning ...?)

In entirely unrelated news, elynne is brewing up some plans for a " LJ-based, freestyle, write-your-own-adventure Tomorrowlands roleplaying game." If people are interested in this, I'm willing to put on my Wise Universe Moderator shoes and help out. So, as the famous bloggers say, "follow the link."

* Science*, as in, science with an asterisk (and maybe a few pairs of "ironic quotes"). You know. Kind of like Barry Bonds' "home-run record"* .
Tags: politics, ttu


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