For the first time, I spent my con pimping. I passed out flyers advertising the TTU shared fiction setting (and the wiki!), and left a batch of the flyers down near the registration table. Remains to be seen whether it will gain me any readers or authors, but the important thing is that the setting feels mature enough for me to try.
I also got devirginized. Badge devirginized, that is. After 10+ years of cons and 8 furry cons, I bought my very first ever paid nametag art. It cost $1 and was scribbled by Gideon with a sharpie on an index card. That's a niche market too awesome to pass up.
I don't have the saintly patience today to list everyone I met at the con, so I'm not even going to attempt it. It was great seeing all of you, my old friends.
A few folks get special mention. Many, many thanks to paka, perlandria