Baxil (baxil) wrote,

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I'm dreaming of a white ... something

It's snowing like crazy outside the office -- about six inches in six hours, which is huge for the foothills -- and roaminrob is advising me not to drive home. While I'm waiting for him and kadyg to pick me up, a few happy updates.

First of all, my intestinal condition ... isn't getting worse. It appears to have stabilized at "loose stools and minor discomfort," which is about what it was when it took the downturn two days ago, but still much better than before the meds. So I'm trying to take it easy while the clock ticks down to the gastro specialist's appointment on Monday. I appreciate everyone's suggestions in the last post; if the doc doesn't bring them up as possibilities, I will.

Secondly, my financial situation just took a wild and sudden swing. A former roommate who has been gradually paying off an old debt I financed for him decided to clear the books and is sending me a check for $4500. I'll probably be putting this mostly toward its intended use -- nuking credit-card debt -- but this does give me a cushion with which to cover the deductible I'd been freaking out about.

On top of that, I've been furiously working on our taxes for the last few days. I was expecting our return to come out as a wash -- Kady and I both earned a lot less last year than usual, but I also got paid a good chunk of money without any withholdings. Turns out that, due to credits and exemptions and self-employment health insurance deductions, we're getting a $550 refund. ]B=8D That money will go to settle bills, eat out somewhere nice once my stomach recovers, and maybe even fund the tattoo on my ten-year goals list.

Many thanks to everyone who sent me public or private offers of financial assistance. I took a wait-and-let's-see approach with them; this isn't exactly what I was waiting for, but I'll *gladly* take it. I'm heartened that people were so willing to chip in -- because I do know several wonderful people (mostly artists) who have hit similar tight patches and don't have freak strokes of luck like this to fall back on. I would much rather see the money people were willing to contribute go to one of them, the next time a crisis strikes. And if anyone has already put something in the mail for me, when I receive it, I'll set it aside -- if I can get through this without anything going dramatically wrong, I'll re-gift it to someone else deserving.

Also, tomorrow is kadyg's birthday. Yay!
Tags: american health care is a piece of shit, goals

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