Baxil (baxil) wrote,

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Nigerian spam QOTD

Well, it looks like the Nigerian scammers are going after Muslims now:

Assalamualaikum. My name is Amina Hannah Hatleberg from America. ... the sum of$8.5 Million ... Two years ago I fell sick and my doctor told me I had cancer ... Having known my condition, I decided to donate this fund to mosque, Islamic school authority or better Muslim individual that will utilize this money the way I instruct. ... (etc)

The typical form-letter sob story, the typical appeal to naked greed and/or religious camaraderie. Yeah yeah. But what caught my eye was this sentence in the middle of the letter (direct quote):

The Koran made us to understand that blessed is the hand that grivets*.


Well, considering the monkeying around they're doing, that seems oddly fitting.
Tags: wordplay

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