Baxil (baxil) wrote,

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WARNING: Probably safe for work. NOT safe for brain.

I am sorely tempted to say that if this television commercial [video] doesn't make your skin crawl, there is something fundamentally wrong with you as a human being.*

I admit I could be oversensitive here because my wife is a chef. But this one [video] seems just as creepy.

It's not the violence so much as the context. These aren't action-movie bad guys being sniped or exploded half a football field from the camera. They are people built up as people, and the fourth-wall breaking provides just enough cognitive dissonance to let the consequences hit you between the eyes. They really are very effective ads.

If you don't have the time or stomach for the videos themselves, here's some brief background info.

* This isn't as hyperbolic as I'd like it to be. We really are not meant to be desensitized to the extent that such well-done simulation of human suffering can be brushed off. When our empathy atrophies enough to do so, we have become monsters. And, dude. I say that as a dragon.
Tags: infohazard, multimedia


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    SO THERE's been too many ponies areound here! Ponies are not manly like greek fighters. This is a misteak that must be remediated! I went to see the…

  • Racing the deadline on this one

    So that teaser from a few days ago? Here's the game!* I was REALLY hoping to post this, like, two days ago. My sleep schedule has been pretty effed…

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    Well, now I've done it. I went and committed to Game Chef 2010 - posted on the forums and declared I'd submit an entry. It's a matter of pride now.…