Last weekend was eventful, mostly owing to Lovely Wife kadyg's graduation from cooking school. Two sets of parents, one happy newly minted chef, one giant celebratory Indian meal, one sightseeing trip to Alcatraz, and lots of driving around San Francisco.
She was too modest to mention it in her brief wrap-up, so let me be the first to mention that she is a chef cum laude: the gold cord you can see in the photo means she earned a high enough GPA to graduate with honors. Many congratulations!
I'm more and more in love with the camera that I bought to replace my fallen workhorse. It's a Sony DSC-H2, bought refurbished direct from Sony at more than half off. The thing has 12x optical zoom and utterly fantastic low-light pick-up. With no tripod, I was taking no-flash shadowy indoor shots with some pretty remarkable results. The photo above was taken from the upper balcony of the auditorium.
Also, it was great finally meeting eredien and rax a week ago Friday. I'm glad I made it out to the party (despite the necessary early departure). The conversation with you guys and krinndnz was wonderful. Care to remind me of the book that was doubly recommended in the discussion?