- 18:52 Oh, dear gods. When they said is.gd/3D3W was addictive, they weren't kidding. Having created an economic metaphor, I'm stopping now. #
- 19:47 So much for "I'm stopping now." is.gd/3Dbn A word of warning: Mute your speakers when you click it, until you can turn off the music. #
Daily Random Thoughts
Daily Random Thoughts
(via LoudTwitter) 16:20 I am having a hard time believing that I am the first person to coin the word "tentaclysm" - but Google backs…
Daily Random Thoughts
(via LoudTwitter) 22:34 The top free app in iTunes store: "Ow My Balls." Current year: 2010. When reality beats _Idiocracy_ by 495…
Daily Random Thoughts
(via LoudTwitter) 10:48 Why do older men disproportionately grow megabeards? When's the last time you saw a white goatee? (OK: besides Uncle Sam…
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