Sadly, your video game isn't Minecraft, but if it stopped trying to attract noobs with eye candy and switched to creative sandboxing, it could have garden spas* just like Minecraft.
Look down.
Back up.
Where are you? You're on a lighthouse** with the dragon your character could look like.
What's by your life bar?
Now back at me. I have it. It's a chicken. This game has them.
Look again. That chicken is now the moon.
Anything is possible when you're playing Minecraft instead of trying to pwn noobs.
I'm in a cave.
BROUGHT TO YOU BY: Old And Spicy™ brand Spotted Mushrooms
Proudly served at Camp Beta Hot Springs and Mining Colony
(Home of the Dangerous Looking But Perfectly Safe Lava Bridge)
Also served at: the Lighthouse Art Gallery
... So, are you getting ready for my Minecraft code contest? ]B=8)
* Observant readers may notice Bax is shown here as a Draco in Leather Pants.
** In the background at left is Camp Clayspit and the Ocean Cavern Bridge. Directly behind Bax is the portal to Hell that I inexplicably decided to construct atop my tower. Under his feet is the diving board that leads to the garden spa.