Baxil (baxil) wrote,

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Looking for peer pressure

Alright. I'm taking the plunge. I'm finding it hard to get much enthusiasm worked up in advance, but I had a lot on my mind last year, too, and things turned out alright.

This year, I'm going to participate in NaNoWriMo. The proper way. No "BaMoJoEnt"s or "BaMoTTuSto"s. (Although BaMoTTuSto was a great deal of fun in retrospect, I think I'm actually going to save effort writing a longer novel.)

So. 50,000 words, or at least a good ol' college try.

Who else is with me on this?

I don't necessarily mean just fellow participants. I'm looking for creative and positive peer pressure to help keep me on track. ;) For instance, kadyg and roaminrob have already proposed weekend "write-ins," getting together for mutual creative endeavours. But of course having fellow NaNoWriMoers to swap word counts and deus ex machinae and tales of sleep deprivation with will help greatly.

(I'm "baxil" on I'll post word counts there. Depending on how happy I am with the story, I also may or may not post it as I write -- but chances are good I'll make it available at some point.)

n.b.: Before I forget, on a completely random note, I'm still half-looking for a Gmail invite code *bats eyes*. ... Taken care of! Thank you all.

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