Baxil (baxil) wrote,

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NaNo friends tracking

I'm just going to list links here to the statistics page for everyone I know who's participating in NaNoWriMo, so that I (and other interested parties) can track the progress of our novels throughout the month. Now alphabetized! Last update: 11-4-04.

baxil: stats; story link has been cleverly and secretly posted to this journal elsethread

balinares: stats
elynne: stats, story at elynnenanowrimo (friends-only)
eredien: stats
kadyg: stats
kaijugirl: stats, story at writeonthewing (friends-only)
polyrhythm: stats
rowandoll: stats
zastrick: stats

Everyone else who's writing: What's your NaNoWriMo username and/or userID? If you're posting your story, where? Add a comment or otherwise contact me and I'll update the post accordingly.

kadyg would like to state for the record that she has a "no public angsting" policy on her novel.

Also also: Thanks to a late burst of passionate and near-unanimous voting here, the $19 will go toward dinner with kadyg. I'll let her write up the details of the meal though. ;)
Tags: writing

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