Baxil (baxil) wrote,

  • Mood:

For rosefox and jinian

Thank you for the link to the "World of Synnibar" review. Ye gods, that was hilarious.

In return -- in case you didn't research the issue a little deeper -- I'd like to offer a link to a second review that showed a little more mercy, and contained significantly more detail on Just How Bad the rules are. Sample passage:

Don't think you can tell the munchkin to bugger off if he cites this. McCracken successfully instituted the only Game Police in the industry by writing the following: "Players may attempt what is known as "calling Fate." This means that if a ruling is disputed by a player and he challenges [the GM] and is found to be absolutely correct, the player may receive double gaming points ("XP"- BCW) for the entire adventure."

After reading through that, if you are still insufficiently amused, check out the rules for The Timecube RPG. (You have read, right?) I'll be running a one-shot adventure this weekend at my place -- six hours of heavy drinking followed by two minutes of random dice rolling.
Tags: roleplaying

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