Baxil (baxil) wrote,

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Back from Baycon

Had a great time. A little fatigued, but the convention was more memorable than any in recent memory. It certainly also didn't hurt that I (almost literally) ran into deirdremoon again several years after dropping out of contact, and happily discovered we're even both on that great social leveler known as LJ. Hi, Wendy!

A "BayCon 2005's Greatest Hits" post coming up tonight after work. For now, I've got to get back to my usual drudgery of page layout after my fun and relaxing weekend of, uh ... page layout. ;)

Also, hello to the several new faces who have either friended me or commented here while I've been fried and/or conventioneering over the last week and a half. I'll try to respond individually as quickly as possible.

(And there are still eight tetras in the tank.)
Tags: conventions

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